Accurate data analysis results are obtained, ideally, from exact data,
covering a large area over long period of time, at high time and space resolution.
In practice, data of this quality is not available from a single source.
Climate Risk Analysis combines data from multiple sources to produce thorough and accurate results.
CRA's strong background in the climate sciences, our long history of research collaborations,
and our extensive experience working with a variety of data types,
enable us to produce reliable results. Typical data types include:
- direct observations
- climate archives
- documentary data
- climate model output
CRA tailors its robust data product offering to your specific needs.
We welcome you to supply your own data, as well as your own personal knowledge of relevant climate events.
This may help us to produce a more accurate estimate of the climate risks of interest to you.
CRA guarantees the security of your data. CRA client data storage is not connected to the internet.